Llano Estacado Texas Master Naturalist Program
Explore the “Palisaded” Plains with Us!
Started in 2006, our Chapter includes the cities of Midland, Odessa, Big Spring, Andrews, and more.
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30-8:30 p.m., when we get together to learn about new things and celebrate our community spirit. To find out topics and locations of meetings, follow us on Facebook or see our Calendar. Come to a meeting to find out how to learn, explore, and volunteer with us.
LETMN members and trainees participate in a variety of community projects including NABA Butterfly Counts, Monarch tagging, I-20 Wildlife Preserve Programs, Sibley Nature Center Programs, Keep Midland Beautiful trash pick-up, Adopt-A-Loop and so much more.
For more information email us at: llanoestacadotmn@gmail.com.
Texas Master Naturalists’ Mission
The Texas Master Naturalist Program’s mission is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities for the State of Texas.
LETMN wants to encourage citizens of the region to explore their natural surroundings, to identify the most common plants and animals in their environment, and to learn the natural and human history of their region. To learn more click on the icons below.